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EMF Travel Tips

EMF Travel Tips

Maybe you travel often for work or maybe you have a trip planned for spring break, whatever your travel plans, you need to know how to protect yourself! One question we receive on a regular basis is what can be done to keep radiation at bay while crossing security and flying.

  1. We highly recommend opting out of the full body scanners while TSA still allows, and instead go with the smaller scanner/pat down. The large full body scanners will leave your cells scrambled and in a suboptimal state for months.
  2. Make sure to wear your Hedron Pendant or Hedron Body Shield as you make your way through security. The Hedron products will not set off the scanner so just tuck it under your shirt or in a pocket to ensure your cells stay optimally harmonized and protected from the high EMI and radiation through security and on the flight.
  3. Make sure you ground your Body Shield and/or Pendant before flying AND as soon as possible after your flight for optimal efficiency. The Earth's energy conducts through ice and snow, so if you are in a cold climate, NO WORRIES. Just place your  Hedron Pendant or Hedron Body Shield atop the snow for a minimum of 5 minutes. 
  4. If you’re near an ocean on your travels, make it a point to go for a full body swim! This will allow you to release any Geopathic Stress you have accumulated in your body over time.
Enjoy your travels even more by staying free of Electro Magnetic radiation!!
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