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Hedron Life Source

5G Elite Cell Phone Harmonzier

5G Elite Cell Phone Harmonzier

Regular price $ 70.00
Regular price Sale price $ 70.00
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Introducing our latest product, the upgraded Hedron 5G ELITE cell phone harmonizer. Maintaining all the exceptional benefits of our original cell shield with additional Human Performance Technology, this new version stands out with a remarkable reduction in size. Now, at about 1/3 the thickness and overall size of its predecessor, it offers the same outstanding performance. This compact design allows easy accommodation for wireless charging and works under various phone cases, ensuring flexibility in usage. Remarkably effective whether placed directly on the phone or on the outside of the case, our new harmonizer combines powerful protection with enhanced convenience.

Size: 1 in. by 1 in.
Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield with Human Performance Technology (HPT):  Introducing the Hedron 5G Elite Cell Phone Shield. The only technology on the market able to pass the 3rd party testing by CIEMS (California Institute Of Electronics and Materials Sciences) proven and certified to shield 99.80% of aberrant EMF by up to 9.375G. 
What is Human Performance Technology (HPT)? Throughout all of our rigorous lab testing, the new 5G Elite has been found to not only harmonize EMF, but also to enhance many organs of the body when within 2 feet. We have added the DNA specific rejuvenating and repair frequency of 528 Hz along with the Schumann Resonance at 7.83Hz. Studies include blood cells, DNA, brain, eyes, overall BioField, and more, all with quantum level jumps in overall health


Uncover The Hidden Truth Behind Cell Phone Radiation…
And Learn How To Protect Yourself and Your Children

The Information That’s Been Hidden From You

It is a proven fact that wireless technology (a necessity in today’s advancing world) exposes us to and increasingly alarming slew of health hazards. We tend to wipe these hazards under the rug since no one wants to give up their smart phones and the like. But the facts speak for themselves. We now have concrete evidence that a 30 second cell phone call can disrupt and weaken every cell of the body for up to 18 hours! Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMF) is the plague of the 21st century, much like cigarettes were last century. Protecting yourself and especially your children (our future) is not an option, but an urgent necessity.

Get The Facts

The latest studies confirm what the cellular phone corporations do not want you to know. Even casual use of a cellular phone can damage the DNA in sensitive areas of your brain. A landmark study conducted by Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington showed that even at low levels, exposure to EMFs cause DNA damage to brain cells resulting in loss of short and long-term memory and slower learning. He further noted the DNA damages to be cumulative over time.

A study done at Penn State University concluded the EMF exposure caused a cascade of microbial destruction in the body. The damage takes place between .024-.0024 W/kg which is much lower than any electronic device. Unfortunately ear pieces do not help your EMF exposure either. They are shown to act as ‘conduits’ to funnel as much as 3 times the harmful radiation to your brain.

What worries our Doctors the most about increasingly harmful and more powerful EMFs is the exponential damage it has on young brains and bodies.

Dr. David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health, State University of New York states that “30% of all childhood cancers are associated with EMF exposure”.

A new review of studies on cell phone radiation health risks has been published by L. Lloyd Morgan, senior science fellow at Environmental Health Trust, in the Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure. The review highlights findings on radiation effects on children and unborn babies. There have been numerous studies showing that the bone marrow of children absorbs 10 times more EMR than that of adults. “There are toys being sold to infants and toddlers that are dangerous,” Morgan says. “The risk from exposure to any carcinogen is higher in children, and the younger the child, the higher the risk.”

The review further points out that Belgium, France, India “and other technologically sophisticated governments” are passing laws and/or issuing warnings about children’s use of wireless devices—and yet the EMR exposure limits in the US have remained unchanged since 1996. They also note that smartphone makers specify in their manuals (usually buried in small print people rarely read) that their products must be kept at a minimum distance from the body, so that legal limits for exposure to EMR aren’t exceeded - the minimum distance from the body is 20 cm or 7.8 inches.

The bottom line . . . minimizing EMF exposure is an important part of supporting your long-term health.

Introducing The Hedron EMF Shield

The Hedron EMF Shield is a 3.5cm x 3.5cm x 1mm EMF Protective Device that is placed on the back of your electronic devices to change the harmful EMF frequencies into beneficial frequencies. It is comprised of 12 specific harmonizing minerals and is ‘impregnated’ with a frequency called Scalar Energy, which matches the earth’s beneficial frequency of 7.83 Hz. This frequency is also called Schumann’s Resonance, the most highly beneficial frequency on the planet.

See what Real Customers Are Saying About The Hedron EMF Protective Shield

Breathing Easier Knowing I’m Protected! I was given the Hedron EMF Shield as a gift and am thrilled that I now have piece of mind knowing that I am protected (along with anyone near me, namely my 5 month old nephew) from the EMFs being created by my cellular phone. I plan to purchase a few more in the near future to take care of my computer and other electronics that are used on a regular basis. We are just so bombarded by EMFs … I’m just glad that we now have a shield! — Auntie Heather x2

So grateful for this shield. No more headaches when I have to (reluctantly) talk on my phone. My kids all have iPods with this shield as well so I feel like I don’t have to worry about their EMF exposure anymore. My phone used to heat up when I charged it and that is gone now too. Amazing device. — Antoinette

The more I research Emf and it’s potential health implications, the more I’m glad I have piece of mind for me and my family. I heard about The quality of Hedron and feel like are better protected. — Erik B

Awesome Product and must have it! Love this researched shield. I knew I wanted an EMF shield but navigating all the products is so confusing. I was excited to find one that was truly researched by health practitioners who care about health & wellness. Plus, it blocks heat which is great b/c my iPhone doesn’t get hot when I have it plugged in anymore. — R. Sunshine

6 More Things You'll Love About The Hedron EMF Shield

  • The slim, securely affixed, and lightweight design that can be placed directly on the electronic device itself, or on the outside of your case with the same effect
  • The durable waterproof construction
  • The included 1 year Warranty
  • The most complete EMF protection available
  • The many certifications, proven research and scientific studies, and patent pending
  • One shield lasts the entire life of your electronic device

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Order Now with peace of mind due to our 60 day money back guarantee. No catch. See product description below for details. 

The Hedron EMF Shield assures your cell phone and other electronic devices are not robbing you and your children of essential life force energy, and cellular health. Now, more than ever before, EMF protection is not only important, it is essential for your continued health and well-being.


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