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Organic Air and Your Quality of Life

Organic Air and Your Quality of Life

Clean air isn’t enough. Air isn’t healthy unless it is FRESH, and it’s not fresh unless it’s ENERGIZED!


Before you take another breath, you should know how you are affected by the quality of air you are breathing. The smog and pollution of outdoor air is a common concern for many people. However, did you realize that your indoor air could be five times more polluted than the outdoor air?

Poor air quality can have an increased affect on seniors, children, and those with health or breathing issues. But reality is, poor air quality can have a negative affect on EVERYONE in ways that might surprise you.



Poor air quality aggravates, heightens and can even cause major health issues.



Organic Air Is So Good!


Portions of this information accredited to articles from The Huffington Post and

In just one year, the presence of trees saved 850 lives and prevented 670,000 cases of acute respiratory symptoms, according to new research published in the journal Environmental Pollution. Unfortunately, we can’t fit enough trees inside our homes to restore our indoor air to its naturally energetic, healthy state.

Air pollution can create some major health problems. Polluted air can make it harder for those with asthma to breathe. Some toxic chemicals that can live in the air — like benzene and vinyl chloride — are highly toxic.

They can even cause cancer, birth defects, long term injury to the lungs, as well as brain and nerve damage. But breathing fresh air lowers the chances of coming into contact with these scary pollutants. Just what else can fresh air do?

  • Fresh air can boost your immune system.
  • Fresh air energizes.
  • Fresh air eliminates odors.
  • Fresh, energized air battles germs.
  • Fresh, energized air battles allergens.
  • Fresh air supports respiratory system health.
  • Fresh air can improve your mental focus.
  • Fresh air promotes healthier sleep

Clean air is great, but FRESH air does a body good!

Clean air is great, but Fresh air is truly another story. Fresh air cleans our lungs. We may cough as our lungs are getting rid of the impurities that we breathe daily. But when we’re breathing fresh air we begin to breathe deeper and deeper which brings more oxygen to our cells. The increased oxygen brings with it increased energy to do the things we need to do. More oxygen brings greater clarity to the brain, which needs twenty percent of our body’s oxygen to function. We can think better than we could before.

Exercises performed while breathing fresh, organic air offer increased aerobic benefits. More clean air in, helps improve our breathing technique. Better technique increases stamina. More oxygen to the muscles reduces that lactic acid build-up in the muscles which leads to cramping. Fresh air produces a healthy mind, clean lungs, and a calmer constitution when we actively use it.

Bring fresh, energized organic air indoors for the health of you and your family, purchase your Tempest AirRestore HERE!

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